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How to find honest casinos: some casinos that want to be honest have such system as the control of honesty. You can learn more about what it is on the Internet or you can see in the articles of the casino or the in the help about parameters. In general terms – it is a system which does not allow casinos manipulate the results. Game results are generated in advance and the player has access to them, but in encrypted form. Once the games are played, the player can make sure that encrypted were exactly the results that had been fallen really. If the control of honesty is introduced, are such casinos honest? But everything is not so simple.
I want to say a few words about the pseudo-control of honesty. There are such casinos on the Internet, which simply fool the players. They provide unintelligible ciphers that should convince the player that the casino can not affect on the outcome of the game. They write things like "Each game is controlled by a MD5 FairPlay" and sometimes even offer to get the code from the original characters that the player can enter in the special field. For example a player enters in the field value 12 13 24 35 and receives a code b26c356f0023e65f9ad74c87d694ba82 looks like magic...? Do not let them to make you fool.
In the rules of the casino should be clear and understandable described how to use the control of honesty. Playing on a demo account, you can check how it works. All questions you should ask in the customers support. If there is real control of honesty and it is convenient for you to use it – it is great. You can go further ... If, however, even if there is a control of honesty, it is inconvenient and takes a lot of your time - look for another option. I saw the casino with the control of honesty, where to check the outcome of the game you need more time in 4 times than for the time of the game.
No - it's just not right. So, moving on:
Examine the feedback on the Internet about the inclave.casinos - they should inspire you. It is clear that most likely it will be and good and bad, but in the first place – there should be more good feedbacks and in the second ... read between the lines, and often a bad review is really good. Generally these two things are nearly enough. Good reputation control of honesty. Is it not enough for you? Well, you can search the casino with the opportunity for player to influence on the outcome. And there can be found such, fortunately.
This is when in addition to the control of honesty the player has the opportunity to set an arbitrary displacement; resulting outcome of the game will be changing. For example, the roulette had to drop out 11, 33, 5, and 16. The player specifies the offset 1, 3, 5, and 8. As a result it falls 11 1 = 12, 3 33 = 36, 5 5 = 10, and 8 16 = 24 - very different rates. There is opinion that the staff of the casino may create a series of games for losing of the player. This system destroys this practice. Good luck to you in choosing!